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Top 7 Physical Therapy Strategies for Low Back Pain Relief

Back pain is a common problem that often affects people after the age of 50. Fortunately, there are many treatment options that can help reduce and prevent back pain.

Some treatments, such as acupuncture, multidisciplinary rehabilitation and spinal manipulation, have been shown to improve back pain and help people return to their daily activities.

1. Physical Therapy Exercises

Back pain can be caused by many things, from overexertion to a bad ergonomic setup. The best way to find out what’s causing your back pain is to visit a website physical therapist.

They’ll ask questions and do a full exam to figure out what is the root cause of your back pain this will help them create a plan of action for your treatment.

They’ll likely recommend exercise therapy and other forms of non-pharmacological care. Guidelines promote the avoidance of bed rest and recommencement of daily activities.

2. Graded Activity Exercises

Graded activity exercise is an important component of your physical therapy treatment plan. Your therapist will use movements that are safe, comfortable and within your pain threshold. This will help to improve the structural impairments of your spine and pelvis, reduce pain and improve function.

This may include manual therapy, such as spinal manipulation (a low-amplitude, high-velocity movement at the limit of a joint’s passive range of motion to mobilise the joints and soft tissues), core strengthening and flexibility exercises personalized to your specific needs, a home exercise program, education on how to move safely and effectively to prevent back pain and recurrence, and return-to-work strategies.

3. Active Rest

Back pain can be debilitating and the fear of recurrence often leads to avoidance of movement. However, staying in bed for weeks or months can actually make the pain worse.

A physical therapist will work with you to develop an active rest program that includes low impact exercises, such as walking, swimming and cycling. These exercises help to improve circulation and reduce inflammation, which can decrease back pain.

4. Relaxation Techniques

Using self-help techniques such as muscle relaxation and breathing exercises can decrease the impact of chronic pain on a person’s life. These techniques are often used as a compliment to other treatment strategies such as medication and/or injections.

Physical therapists may also recommend TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) treatments. These use small pads on the back to send mild electrical currents to diminish pain signals from the brain.

Lastly, physical therapists can provide education and advice on how to manage lower back pain to reduce the risk of it occurring in the first place or returning if you experience it.

Simple changes in body positioning can significantly impact how your back behaves during everyday activities such as sleeping, driving, gardening and cleaning. For example, sitting with proper posture helps prevent rounded shoulders, joint degeneration and increased back pain.

5. Strengthening Exercises

Exercises that strengthen the back and core muscles reduce pain and increase function. Often times, weak abdominal and back muscles contribute to lower back pain the therapist will teach you exercises that will help strengthen these muscles.

Core strengthening focuses on the abdominals, back and hip muscles. Strong core muscles increase spine stability and improve posture, decreasing back pain.

Some core exercises that you can do at home include the pelvic tilt, cat-cow pose, bird dog, plank with leg lifts and the bridge. Before beginning any back or core strength exercises talk with your physical therapist about what stretches are appropriate for you.

Some stretches can make your back hurt if they are too intense or you are flection sensitive (leaning forward creates back pain). The therapist will work with you to find a plan that is safe for you.

6. Flexibility Exercises

Aches and pains in the back are caused by tight muscles, tendons or ligaments. Stretching these areas loosens them and helps your body become more flexible. This reduces your risk of sprains and strains.

Back pain can be very disruptive to your life. It may cause you to limit your activities, which can lead to more serious health problems. It can also affect your mood as you might feel sad and anxious about the situation.

Fortunately, there are many effective methods to treat low back pain. One of the best is physical therapy as it involves a holistic approach. The treatment strategies can help you get back to your normal life much faster they can also prevent your back problem from getting worse in the future.

7. Massage

Massage is a manual therapy technique that involves the manipulation of soft tissue (muscles, ligaments and tendons). It improves muscle elasticity and increases blood flow, which relieves tension and pain. It also can help you relax and have a better quality of life.

Massage can help you recover from back pain caused by sitting for long periods of time or from a pulled muscle from lifting something heavy. It can even help you recover from a sports injury.

Addison Williams
Addison Williams

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